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Never Ever Expose Them to Bright Light is the tenth episode of Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai, and the tenth episode overall.


With our heroes reunited, their faith in each other is put to a final test as enemies from all sides converge.


As Mogwai wreaks havoc all over town, Claw walks around looking for Gizmo and crushing everything in her way.

Fong saves Elle

Fong saved Elle's life when Claw became huge.

Sam, Hon, Elle, and Gizmo uncover Fong, who had saved Elle's life. She is weak, but okay, so Elle says that they should go as they are searched for. Elle thanks Fong for saving her life, but the latter mentions that she only did it to become a better person. Sam says they could now move on to step four of his plan, which involved stealing the clay knife.

Claw searches for Gizmo, imagining them living a romantic life together and even getting married. She calls out for Gizmo, who is still hiding.

Gizmo tells Sam that he could be bait for Claw, which he says could work so they could grab the knife back. Sam mentions that that had happened before, which shocks Hon. Sam says that Nuwa had used the knife to turn them back into good mogwai, but Elle says that Nuwa was a god. However, Sam says they were the only ones who knew what to do. With that said, Sam asks Hon and Fong to return home, as Elle hands them a whistle they could blow if they got into trouble.

Riley declares he will grow his hands back

Riley declared that he would be growing his hands back for revenge.

Mogwai keeps the chaos going all over town as Riley moves through the streets, asking for their leader. He sees Claw from across the city and wants the knife back, but he trips on his way there, declaring that he will use the knife to grow his hands back and stop their laughing.

Claw holds on to the knife as Sam, Elle, and Gizmo watch her. As they are about to start their plan to get the knife back, however, Claw swallows it. Sam says that he could make a laxative, but Elle suggests tricking her into eating explosives. As they talk, Gizmo leaves and throws himself into Claw's mouth, causing her to choke.

Gizmo sees the knife stuck to one of Claw's teeth and attempts to reach for it but is attacked by evil Mogwai inside Claw's mouth. Claw burps them out, and Gizmo manages to grab the knife.

As Hon and Fong walk, they see that they are being followed by Mogwai on bikes. Hon blows on the whistle they were given, and Elle's gang shows up to help them out.

Sam runs across the city looking for Gizmo. However, when he finally reaches his friend, he sees that Riley has his friend in his arms and the knife in his mouth. Elle complains, but is told that they could not possibly stop a god.

Riley opens up bright portal

After getting the knife back, Riley created a portal to Tahiti, which shone a painful bright light for the Mogwai.

As Elle and Sam rush towards Riley, he uses the knife to grow his hands back. Gizmo bites him to escape from his hands. As Riley begins to declare himself a god, Claw sneaks up from behind him and grabs him. Riley congratulates her for her boldness, saying that he would fulfill her dream of seeing the world, but she refuses, crushing him. However, Riley opens up a portal to Tahiti, which shines a bright light and causes all of the Mogwai excruciating pain.

Claw lets Riley go as she orders every single one of them to kill Greene. As she begins to melt, she reaches for him, but explodes. Sam and Elle gag as Riley walks up to them, repeating that he is a god. He binds them with rope, and Elle provokes him, but Sam and Riley say it is not a good idea. Elle says he does nobody any good by bragging, but Riley says that he would earn respect by using the knife to turn everyone into cockroaches. He says that after destroying Shanghai, the rest of the world would have to respect him.

Riley killed by knife

Riley was killed by the knife when he turned himself into a cockroach.

Elle keeps provoking Riley, saying that he was crushing them to death with them but that it might be better for him to say, "Hug me, Daddy." Sam says he could do something wrong if he does not have perfect focus. As Riley tortures them, they keep taunting him. When Riley uses the knife, they keep telling him not to think of turning himself into a cockroach, and Gizmo joins them. Riley spits out the magical pearls he had swallowed with people in them, and he turns into a cockroach, which is killed by the knife falling back to the ground.

Evil Mogwai approaches Sam, Elle, and Gizmo. Sam wields the knife, and his friends give him a look of confidence. Sam concentrates and uses the knife, which sends out a big shockwave, turning all the evil mogwai into their normal selves.

Sam hugs his grandfather

After Riley's death, Sam's grandfather came back.

In front of Sam, his grandfather is released from the pearl he was in, and he hugs Sam. All of the other pearls begin to show more people that Greene had swallowed, including Nuwa and Greene's personal chef. Sam tells his grandfather about everything that had happened, which makes him sad since he cannot see everything with him.

Nuwa says that the most difficult part would be gathering all the mogwai, who are led by Sam and Elle to the Valley of Jade once again. The celestial administrator shows up, saying that the city has been destroyed, and he walks in the portal, followed by Nuwa. Sam asks his grandfather if he wants to go to the Valley of Jade like he has wanted to his whole life, but he is told that he has had enough adventure being pearled up.

Gizmo allowed to return

Gizmo was allowed to return to Sam and his family by Nuwa.

Nuwa says goodbye to Sam, calling for Gizmo, who says goodbye to Elle. Sam approaches Gizmo and mentions that they could return to their normal lives, even though he would miss their adventures. As Gizmo approaches the portal, he turns around one last time and says goodbye sadly. Nuwa asks Gizmo if he really does not want to leave Shanghai and allows him to return to Sam, saying that she would trust humanity again and would not be returning if it did not go well.

At the Wing Family Medicine shop, Sam and Elle work as Hon and Fong mention that they would probably end up working for the children someday. Gizmo watches happily as Sam's grandfather asks who could help him with deliveries.

The talking mogwai talks to himself, mentioning that he is all alone now. He mentions that he needs a change of scenery as he rides on a big boat.



Gremlins Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Never Ever Expose Them to Bright Light.


Gizmo’s friends and the old batch turn back into regular mogwai and return to the Valley of Jade, except for Gizmo, who wants to stay with Sam.

Revelations and significant events[]

  • Noggin is the only gremlin who survives and heads to North America.



Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai episodes
Season 1 1. Never Get Them Wet · 2. Never Feed Them After Midnight · 3. Always Buy a Ticket · 4. Don't Drink the Tea · 5. Always Stab or Run · 6. Always Buy a God a Drink First · 7. Never Squeeze a Fox · 8. Never Hug a Mogwai · 9. Never Give Up · 10. Never Ever Expose Them to Bright Light
Season 2 1. Always Be Ready for Adventure · 2. Never Take the Tour · 3. Never Use Double Negatives · 4. Always Bring a Toothpick · 5. There's Always a Fortune in the Cookie Factory